Five Signs Your Child is Overscheduled - Hotels4Teams

Five Signs Your Child is Overscheduled

Overscheduling is a serious issue that many kids struggle with. It’s important to recognize the signs. There are symptoms that any child who is suffering from overscheduling will display. Not all symptoms may be present, but knowing them will help tip you off if something is wrong.

How to Help Your Child Avoid Burnout in Youth Sports - Hotels4Teams

How to Help Your Child Avoid Burnout in Youth Sports

They say “too much of a good thing” can turn out to be a bad thing. Youth sports can certainly fall under that umbrella. One of the most common problems that a young athlete may face is burnout.

Bench Players' Role on Travel Teams - Hotels4Teams

Bench Players’ Role on Travel Teams

No matter the sport, only a certain number of boys or girls can be a starter. Still, bench players play an essential role on every travel team.

The Concerning Trend of Specialization in Youth Sports

Specialization is becoming the norm in youth sports. The concentration in one sport by young athletes is more widespread than ever before. This trend is becoming a growing concern for many in the sports and medical communities.

Young Athletes

Do’s and Don’ts for Parents of Young Athletes

Looking for ways to improve your mentality towards youth sports? Check out these helpful do’s and don’ts for parents of young athletes.

How to Help Your Child Cope with Not Making the Team - Hotels4Teams

How to Help Your Child Cope with Not Making the Team

One of the toughest things about playing sports is getting cut or not making the team. Here’s some tips on how to help your child cope.

Parents Involvement in Travel Sports

One of the biggest parts of travel sports, is the level of the parents involvement during practices and games. This is a difficult and very thin line to walk as both a coach and parent, but a line that needs to be walked well by both in order to make for a successful travel team […]