Traveling is an fulfilling part of life. You see new places, experience new cultures, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

All too often, however, a lack of planning can make a trip far more stressful than it needs to be.

With a bit of extra preparation, you can save yourself time, money, and frustration when traveling. Sure, you can’t control everything that happens when you travel, but you can still do your best to prepare.

Here are nine travel tips that will help make your next vacation much more relaxing.


Make an Itinerary

What to do Before TravelingWhat are the highlights of your destination? What’s a “must-see” for you, and what can you skip? Make a list of one to three places you want to see per day, and look into restaurants and eateries that are close to those destinations.

Also, jot down a few alternative places you’d like to visit in case you have extra time or if the other destinations are not an option.

Need some help? Check out our Team Travel Guides featuring fun activities in cities all across America!


Know Your Destination

What to do Before TravelingWhen traveling to a new place, especially another country, there can be a lot to learn. That’s why it’s important to have an idea of what to expect when you arrive.

Those traveling abroad should familiarize themselves with the language, currency, and laws. When staying at a resort, look into their amenities and tipping etiquette. If you’re traveling domestically, check out the dining options and public transportation.

There are so many things to research before heading out. If you have an overall idea of what to expect, you’ll feel way more confident and comfortable when you arrive.


Make a Budget

What to do Before TravelingOne of the main things to look into while researching your destination is the overall cost of the trip. Are the exchange rates favorable? Is the place you’re visiting somewhere expensive, such as New York City, or is it on the more affordable side? Once you know what to expect, you can make a realistic budget.

Plan how often you’re going to be visiting restaurants, ordering takeout, or cooking your own meals. Consider the cost of tourist destinations, and maybe include room in your budget for souvenirs. You should also include a buffer of extra cash in case you want another round of drinks on a night out.

If you have your finances somewhat planned out, you’re going to have a much easier, and enjoyable, time.


Touch Base With Your Travel Companions

What to do Before TravelingIf you’re traveling with other people, it’s important to be on the same page before you leave. Are they early risers, while you’ll want to sleep in? Do some of them want to go on a bar crawl around downtown, while you’d rather check out some museums? There are so many factors to consider!

When you all decide on a destination, be sure that your expectations are completely clear. Everyone should be on board with the itinerary, or lack thereof, before the trip begins. This will save so much time and frustration in the long run because everyone will be aware of the wants and needs of their companions.


Make a List and Check it Twice

What to do Before TravelingIt’s important to have a well-packed suitcase before jetting off. Make a master list of everything you want to take and divide it into categories. These categories can include clothing, toiletries, entertainment, technology, etc. Absolutely everything you intend to pack should be on this list.

When you start packing, put a check mark next to each item to confirm that you have it and it’s ready to be placed in your suitcase. Once the item is physically in the suitcase, ready to go, you can cross it off the list completely. This way, if there’s something you can’t pack away at that moment, you’re reminded that it’s still pending.

Never completely cross an item off the list until it is actually in your suitcase or carry-on. It’s easy to set something beside the suitcase and check it off; it’s right there, after all; but then never actually pack it. This list-making system is to make sure everything actually gets packed!


Make the Most of Carry-Ons

What to do Before TravelingYour carry-on is the bag you’ll have access to during the flight, so make sure you have the most important items in there. Pack medication, books, a change of clothes… anything you want or need to have on hand if the airline loses your luggage.

Just in case your checked bags do get lost, however, check out our article about what to do if an airline loses your luggage.


Weigh Your Bags

After packing, the last thing you want to have happen is getting to the airport and discovering that your bags are too heavy.

Weight limits not only vary by airline, but change over time as well. So check the weight limits online, grab a scale, and weigh the bags once you’re done packing them. This can make all the difference when you’re rushing to catch a flight!


Vaccinations, Medication, and Important Documents

What to do Before Traveling

Some things aren’t a big deal when traveling. If you forget socks, you can buy a cheap pair. Ran out of cash? Just head to the nearest ATM.

On the other hand, some things can completely throw a wrench in your trip if they’re not squared away.

One of those things is vaccines. If you’re traveling domestically, this shouldn’t be a problem. But if you’re traveling outside of the country, know what sort of vaccinations you’ll need several months in advance, if possible. You might be waiting a while for a doctor’s appointment or the shot may take time to become effective. Getting vaccinated should be one of the first things you look into.

As your trip approaches, make sure your prescriptions are filled and that you have enough medication to last the entire time. Necessary, daily medications are definitely not something you want to mess around with.

Next, make sure that your passport is up to date and you have the proper documentation needed to enter the country. It would be absolutely devastating to land in the airport, only to be barred from entering the country because of paperwork.

Lastly, make sure you have copies of all your important documents. This includes copies of your insurance card, passport, visa, license, and any tickets you purchased in advance. Having more than one copy of these items can save you from so much inconvenience and frustration later on in case of an emergency.


Get in the Right Headspace

What to do Before TravelingAn important but often overlooked part of preparing for travel is getting into the right headspace. It can be stressful to make sure flights, documents, luggage, and finances are all in order, and you don’t want to carry that stress with you during your trip.

That’s why, before you travel, you should take a quiet moment to yourself and think about the upcoming trip. What are the things you’re looking forward to? Is this a destination you’ve always wanted to visit? Are you excited to spend time with the people you’re traveling with?

Getting into a positive headspace before embarking on your trip will help you handle bumps in the road and truly embrace the trip while you’re on it.