The best deals on hotels near Baboquivari Middle School in Sells, AZ.

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Hotels Closest To Baboquivari Middle School
Az-86 Sells, AZ 85634

Estrella at Casino Del Sol

5655 West Valencia Rd Tucson, AZ

Prepare for the podium with a stay at Estrella at Casino Del Sol, offering the amenities and support every athlete deserves, from just $157.99.

Opt for the tranquility of Estrella at Casino Del Sol, with the lively Baboquivari Middle School accessible by a scenic drive, offering a peaceful yet connected stay in Sells. Embrace luxury at Estrella at Casino Del Sol, where sports events are celebrated with plush accommodations and top-notch service. Impeccable for the high-spirited fan. Reserve your exclusive stay!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  48.6 miles from Baboquivari Middle School

Starting at


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Casino Del Sol Resort

5655 West Valencia Rd Tucson, AZ

Celebrate the fusion of elegance and endurance at Casino Del Sol Resort, providing a premium sanctuary for sports enthusiasts, from $139.99.

Relax at Casino Del Sol Resort, situated amidst the serene beauty of Sells, with a scenic drive to Baboquivari Middle School that transforms every trip into a noteworthy journey. Uncover a sanctuary of high-end luxury at Casino Del Sol Resort, designed for those who pursue greatness in sport and in stay. Ensure your sophisticated suite for peak relaxation!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  48.9 miles from Baboquivari Middle School

Starting at


per night

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