The best deals on hotels near Kodiak High School in Kodiak, AK.

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Hotels Closest To Kodiak High School
722 Lower Mill Bay Rd Kodiak, AK 99615

Quality Inn Kodiak

1395 Airport Way Kodiak, AK

Score big on comfort and savings at Quality Inn Kodiak, the ideal retreat after a day of wins, starting from just $125.10. Enjoy the simplicity and efficiency of check-in and check-out at Quality Inn, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free partake in.

Enjoy the unique experience of Quality Inn Kodiak, where the scenic drive to Kodiak High School provides an opportunity to discover the area's natural wonders and hidden gems, making every trip an exploration. Step up to the plate with reasonable elegance at Quality Inn Kodiak, your hub for sports and leisure. Optimal for every fan. Ensure your winning stay now!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  43.5 miles from Kodiak High School

Starting at


per night

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Kodiak Compass Suites

203 Alder Lane Kodiak, AK

Celebrate the sports journey at Kodiak Compass Suites, where upgraded comfort meets the passion of fans and athletes, from $209.99.

Discover the scenic pleasures of staying at Kodiak Compass Suites, where the drive to Kodiak High School reveals the stunning landscapes and cultural richness of Kodiak. Ride the wave of reasonable elegance at Kodiak Compass Suites, where surfers and beach lovers catch the break of convenience and economies. Schedule your seaside accommodation now!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  47.9 miles from Kodiak High School

Starting at


per night

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