The best deals on hotels near Kodiak Middle School in Kodiak, AK.

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Hotels Closest To Kodiak Middle School
722 Lower Mill Bay Rd Kodiak, AK 99615

Quality Inn Kodiak

1395 Airport Way Kodiak, AK

Secure your victory in comfort at Quality Inn Kodiak, where the focus on added economic efficiency ensures a restful stay for competitors, from $125.10. Find in-room conveniences like microwaves, refrigerators, and coffee makers in select rooms at Quality Inn, enhancing your relaxation.

Relax in the calm surroundings of Quality Inn Kodiak, where the scenic drive to Kodiak Middle School showcases Kodiak's diverse landscapes, turning travel into a discovery. Tackle your travel plans with confidence at Quality Inn Kodiak, where affordability tackles ease head-on. Ideal for football devotees and groups. Confirm your game-day refuge now!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  43.5 miles from Kodiak Middle School

Starting at


per night

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Kodiak Compass Suites

203 Alder Lane Kodiak, AK

Elevate your team's stay with Kodiak Compass Suites, offering that extra layer of comfort to recharge after the game, starting at $209.99.

Experience the best of both worlds at Kodiak Compass Suites, found in a tranquil setting with a scenic drive to Kodiak Middle School, offering a peaceful retreat from the hustle of Kodiak. Latch onto luxury without the luxury price tag at Kodiak Compass Suites, where elegance meets affordability. Exemplary for the discerning voyager. Reserve your elegant stay now!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  47.9 miles from Kodiak Middle School

Starting at


per night

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