The best deals on hotels near Kim Undivided High School in Kim, CO.

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Hotels Closest To Kim Undivided High School
425 State Street Kim, CO

Crawford Motel

288 Colorado st Springfield, CO

Champion affordability and comfort at Crawford Motel, where we've tailored our amenities to fit the needs of athletes and fans, ensuring a restful stay, from $80.99.

Select Crawford Motel for its serene ambiance, with Kim Undivided High School easily reachable by a scenic drive, providing a tranquil base for your Kim journey. Encounter expenditure-friendly-friendly excellence at Crawford Motel, your comfortable corner in Kim. Optimal for tournament goers and families. Reserve now!

  Call +1-855-233-0132 to book with an agent.
  42.0 miles from Kim Undivided High School

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